T'ai Chi Ch'uan


...is a multifaceted Chinese exercise that is unique because of its long, rich history as a martial art and health exercise. It is characterized by slow, gentle, fluid motion.  Although ancient in origin by about 800 years, T'ai Chi has relevance in the modern world with western medical professionals recording evidence of and more acceptance of its health benefit

Benefits of  T'ai Chi

Balance, Stability, Leg Strength, Flexibility, Endurance, Relaxation, Concentration, Mental focus with body awareness, Sense of well-being                                                                     


Barbara Johnson, Certified Instructor Tai Chi Fundamentals®

"Our goals are to continue practicing tai chi for healthful benefits, increased relaxation, and strong sense of community.”                        


Email:  yangtaichi4@gmail.com

Indoor and outdoor locations in Altoona, PA